Antibacterial activity of G2.0 PAMAMs

来源 :2012年中国药学大会暨第十二届中国药师周 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyf669842466
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  Treatment to septicemia caused by drug-resistant strains is a big challenge in clinic,as traditional antibiotics inevitably induce bacterial resistance,making it urgent to develop novel kinds of antibiotic drugs.Poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers are reported to have antibacterial activities.However,most studies focused on high generations (>= generation 3) of PAMAMs which exhibited high toxicities.The present study aimed at clarifying whether PAMAM could be used as a novel kind of antibacterial agents.We found that generation 2.0 (G2.0) PAMAM-NH2 showed significant antibacterial effects against 15 out of 17 strains tested including 6 drug resistant strains,but had little toxicity to human GES-1 cells.Strikingly,G2.0 PAMAM-NH2 (10-20 mg/kg) exhibited significant therapeutic effects against mice septicemia models induced by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli strains producing extended-spectrum beta lactamase,which increased the survival rates of infected mice from 0% to 40-100%.Acute toxicity assays in BABL/c mice demonstrated that the median lethal dose of G2.0 PAMAM-NH2 was 84.04 ± 21.72 mg/kg,much higher than that of therapeutic dose (10-20 mg/kg).Interestingly,G2.0 PAMAM-NH2 did not induce drug resistance after 15 successive subcultures.Scanning and transmission electron microscopy analysis suggested that G2.0 PAMAM-NH2 may inhibit the growth of bacteria by destroying the cell membranes.Thus,G2.0 PAMAM-NH2 are potential broad-spectrum and non-inducing-resistance antibacterial agents.
  目的 用斑马鱼模型对BCG-CpG-DNA 进行安全性评价.方法 以斑马鱼胚胎为实验材料,将BCG-CpG-DNA 设置4 个剂量组(0.15、1.5、15、75mg/L),暴露斑马鱼,以胚胎培养液暴露组
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我们参加中国创建爱婴医院研讨班的同志于1992年10月12~17日对世界上第一所爱婴医院Jose—Fabella 医院进行了参观、考查。我们学习了菲律宾创建爱婴医院的经验.一、菲律宾国