Aptamers-based partial filling technique for enantioseparation and determination of DL-Tryptophan in

来源 :第2届大连国际色谱学术报告会、第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议、第18届全国色谱学术报告会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Intoyou
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  A novel, simple, reproducible method was reported in this study for the enantioseparation and determination of DL-Tryptophan (DL-Trp) by using its corresponding DNA aptamer and partial filling technique in combination with micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC).Aptamer was used as a chiral selector.Sodium cholate (SC) was used to form the chiral micelles and to enhance the enantioseparation of the enantiomers.Effects of aptamer concentration, filling time, buffer composition and separation voltage on the effectiveness of the enantiomers separation were evaluated.Under the optimal condition, D-and L-Trp were completely enantioseparated in less than 9 min.This Implementation of aptamer-based enantioseparations assays constitutes low-cost, low-complexity and better resolution on enantioseparation and it can be extend the aptamer-based enantioseparations in CE when corresponding aptamer used.
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作为一种创新的置业投资方式,民生银行“楼赚楼”方式广受注目。内里乾坤如何,且听“始作俑”者的回答。记者:“楼赚楼”的推广在广州楼市引起不小的轰动 As an innovative
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