Predictive Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers and Targeted Therapy in Breast Cancer

来源 :BIT Life Sciences' 1st Annual World Cancer Congess-2008( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dextersky001
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  In the era of targeted therapy, it is critical to validate target expression in tumor biopsies.More importantly, the observed clinical activity can be attributable to the presence of target at baseline and modulation of the target after treatment.This requires precisely locate and quantitatively evaluate the target and its downstream pathway endpoints of the targeted agents and novel cytotoxic agents.Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has been playing an important role in tumor characterization, marker prognosis and predicting treatment efficacy and/or toxicity due to its facility to detect the target proteins in situ.
窥探新的观念,便依稀看到某种智慧与灵感的闪动,它就像空气中最先凝成的露珠,滴入水中,引起涟漪四散…… 毫无疑问,今天的学院艺术仍然深深植根于过去艺术之中,它的演进又要
  Thromboembolism (TE) has been well-recognized complication of cancer since the days of Trousseau who first described the clinical association between thromb
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  The Akt pathway is one of the most common molecular alterations in various human malignancies via the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K).Act
今年3月份以来,湖北省荆门市对城镇房屋租赁市场进行了全面清理整顿。 这次清理整顿按“统一部署、全面整顿、分级清理、集中办证”的原则,采取自查自报、群众举报、专班清理
春节时我国最热闹ideas传统节日,人们沉浸在一片莺歌燕舞的欢乐气氛中。这时,疾病也隐藏在欢乐的背后,它随时随地可能跳出来危害人们的健康。  根据对某医院历年来春节期间急诊情况的统计和分析,大体上说有以下几种疾病。    ●肠胃功能紊乱    人的肠胃是有一定的“工作规律”的,并不是你想让它什么时候工作。它就什么时候工作。当人自身强行改变它的“工作规律”并且超过一定的极限时,它就会“罢工”。还会给