Differences between Human Cutaneous and Uveal Melanoma in Animal Model Running Head:Uveal and Cutane

来源 :BIT‘s2nd Annual World Cancer Congess-2009 (2009第二届癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tropicalpalmetto
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  Uveal melanoma (UM) and cutaneous melanoma (CM) both derive from melanocytes.The Henry C.Witelson Ocular Pathology Laboratory, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, has previously described an animal model of UM.The aim of this current study is to observe the differences between CM and UM cells in an animal model.Fifteen rabbits were injected with 1×106 human CM cells (WM-266-4) (Group A), and another fifteen with 1×106 human UM cells (92.1) (Group B), into the suprachoroidal space of the right eye.After the 4th week, one animal per week was sacrificed in order to document disease progression.The remaining animals were sacrificed at the end of the experiment.The eyes, lungs and livers were collected and studied histopathologically.Group A: 92.8% presented intraocular tumor development.Tumor growth toward the anterior chamber was found in 76.9% of the animals.
山家之秋6s×68cm 1985上左、木棉146×96cm 1980上右、山海一角 68×68cm 1990下、 叠叠春山45×69cm 1970上、村口68X68cm 1985下、家在江南黄叶村68×68cm 1988林丰俗中国
我今年六十有四,曾患垂体肿瘤,但我现在却眼不花、耳不聋、齿不掉,满头乌发,腿脚灵活。前年在市级机关运动会上,我参加的铅球、游泳项目均拿了名次,铅球还破了市老年组铅球纪录。在全国“科学养生,文明健身最佳老人”评选活动中,我获三等奖,为浙江省仅有的两位获奖者之一。  我的养生保健始于16年前,当时因为生重病而赴杭、沪各大医院检查,多次做头颅CT检查,诊断结论均为垂体肿瘤,生长激素检查比正常值高出了10
  Purpose: Testing for DNA methylation has potential in cancer screening.Most previous studies of DNA methylation in cervical cancer used a candidate gene app
若要体健,加强保健。  從头到脚,常字常念。  头要常洗,发要常梳。  脑要常用,耳要常弹。  腮要常挠,脸要常擦。  目要常运,鼻要常揉。  口要常笑,齿要常叩。  津要常咽,气要常呵。  肺要常润,心要常宽。  胃要常养,肝要常护。  肠要常清,肾要常补。  胸要常拍,背要常暖。  膀要常摇,颈要常转。  手要常甩,甲要常剪。  脊要常捶,腹要常旋。  腰要常扭,肛要常提。  腿要常走,足要常
  MIC-1, a divergent member of the TGF-b superfamily is induced by a range of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxLDL and is highly expressed in macrophages in a