Therapeutic action of NSCs transplantation into lateral cerebral ventricular on mouse manganismus mo

来源 :中国神经科学学会第四次会员代表大会暨第七届全国学术会议(The 7th Biennial Meeting and the | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pyw520
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  Objective To explore the feasibility and mechanism of NSCs transplantation into lateral cerebral ventricle for treating manganismus symptom.Materials and methods:32 two-weeks-old mice were divided into 4 groups including normal group(NG),transplantation group(TG),pseudo-transplantation group(PG) and manganismus group(MG),and manganismus mouse was induced by 2-weeks intraperitoneal administration of 20mg/kg·d manganese chloride solution.Then mice in TG were transplanted into lateral cerebral ventricle with unicell suspension of BrdU-labeled NSCs from new-born mouse hippocampus,mice in PG were only injected with phosphate buffered saline from the same position,while mice in NG and MG received no treatment.After a week resting,all experimental mices neurobehavioral scores were evaluated by Morris Water Maze(MWM).The surviving,migration,differentiation of transplanted NSCs were detected by single-labeling and double-labeling methods of immunohistochemistry.
【摘 要】红阳煤田是辽宁省的重要炼焦煤基地,岩层中的地下水对煤矿的开采有重要的影响,搞清楚含水层赋存的形态、补给的方式等,对煤矿的安全生产有重要的意义。  【关键词】含水层;裂隙水;砂砾岩;岩浆岩;补给;断层  一、前言  红阳煤田位于沈阳市南20km,南北长50km,东西宽15km,煤田总面积750km2。红阳煤田处于辽宁省中部城市群的中心位置,交通便利、经济发达。目前,红阳煤田内有大型生产矿井
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