Intake the Pre-germinated Brown Rice (PGBR) as an Approach to Reducing Blood-fat in Patients with Dy

来源 :第十七届中国科协年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Y514027468
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  Dyslipidemia is a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and is therefore a major target for primary and secondary prevention.Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle reduces cardiovascular risk.Dietary habits are an important instrument of active care for maintaining the populations health.To determine if intake the Pre-Germinated Brown Rice will reduce the blood-fat of the patients with dyslipidemia and to evaluate the effectiveness of the Pre-Germinated Brown Rice as a new staple food in reducing the blood-fat,physical examinations and blood lipids were measured at baseline in four communities of Wuxi,then 191 employees (95 males,96 females,mean age 56.70±6.698 years) who has dyslipidemia were assigned to two groups: one group get intervention (INT): Pre-Germinated Brown Rice was administered to members in the group during 12 weeks in a daily dose of 150g instead of equivalent staple food,and with no dietary habits and lifestyle changing; another group of control (CON) with no intervention at all.Blood lipids were measured 12 weeks after the intervention.The results showed that after 12 weeks intervention the patients in INT (n=94) that received 127.18(±10.662)g of PGBR instead of equivalent staple food had significantly lower TC [-0.69(±0.497)mmol/L,P<0.001],lower TG [-0.24(±0.602)mmol/L,P=0.001],lower LDL-c [-0.81(±0.513)mmol/L,P<0.001],and higher HDL-c [0.14(±0.187)mmol/L,P=0.018] compared with the CON [-0.16(±0.246)mmol/L,0.02(±0.382)mmol/L,-0.25(±0.298)mmol/L,0.09(±0.116)mmol/L respectively].And the effective rate of the INT (80.85%) is significant higher (P<0.001) than the CON (18.55%).It is concluded that intake the Pre-Germinated Brown Rice instead of equivalent staple food significantly reduced the blood lipid level of the patients with dyslipidemia.And it is an effective and well accepted method for secondary prevention of dyslipidemia.
  In this paper,based on the environmental production technology,by constructing the agricultural economic system coexisting with the expected and non expecte
爱上健康素粽  端午正值立夏之后,传统中医认为,此时饮食宜清淡,以低脂、易消化、富含纤维素为主,以便补肾助肝、调养胃气。再加上近年来吃得健康、食得纤瘦蔚然成风,传统肉香满泻、蛋黄油香四溢的端午粽因高脂油腻已为人所不喜,因此,选择美味的各色素粽不仅符合端午的食粽传统,更深得清淡中平补,平补中清化的食补、食疗之精髓,成为爱美爱健康又馋嘴的人士首选。  那年,粽香满屋  每逢端午节前夕,母亲就会备上艾叶