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<正>Sanskrit is the name,not only of a classical language but also of a rich culture with oriental foundation which spread far and wide and reigned supreme in the South and South-East Asian subcontinent for over a period of 2000 years.Sanskrit with a prehistory and history of more than 5000 years is the embodiment of the living tradition of India.While it occupied the East since the early centuries of Christian era,the Western world was fascinated by its literature since the late 16th century.Sanskrit has given to the world the oldest literary documents of Religion,Mythology and Philosophy,the Magnum Opus called the Mahabharata,the greatest Epic,masterpieces of poetic imagination such as the Shakuntalam,the most popular ethico-narrative compendium called Pancatantra,scientific treatises of unique character such as the Arthashastra and the Natyashastra,intellectual giants like Panini,Aryabhatt,Bhaskra,and Varahamihira and a rich treasure of literature ranging from poetry to mathematics,drama to logic and epistemology.Sanskrit literature with its variegated wealth continue to fascinate the world of academicians,linguists,historians,anthropologists,artists and many other masterminds all over the world. It has bridged the East and the West and has,indeed become a global phenomenon.
GIS 海量数据高效管理和显示中流畅和速率问题是行业中的一大难题,本文从国际上流行的导航数据存储方式中受到启发,提出了一种空间数据精简存储方式——地理数据的物理存储方
【正】 我国专利法从孕育、批准到顺利实施,至今已近十年。当前,为了指导我们的专利工作实践,有必要认真回顾这一段不平凡的经历,特别是要把它和我国的改革、开放及社会主义