Security Enhancement of Robust User Authentication Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks

来源 :第六届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danNyZ
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  In order to remedy the security weaknesses of a robust user authentication framework for wireless sensor networks,an enhanced user authentication framework is presented.The enhanced scheme requires proof of the possession of both a password and a smart card,and provides more security guarantees in two aspects:1) it addresses the untraceability property so that any third party accessing the communication channel cannot link two authentication sessions originated from the same user,and 2) the use of a smart card prevents offline attacks to guess passwords.The security and efficiency analyses indicate that our enhanced scheme provides the highest level of security at reasonable computational costs.Therefore,it is a practical authentication scheme with attractive security features for wireless sensor networks.
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【摘 要】文章分析中职学前教育專业琴法教学存在的弊端,提出四点教学改革对策,以提高学生的综合音乐素养及音乐教学能力。  【关键词】中职学前教育;琴法教学;现状与对策  近年来,国家大力发展学前教育,纷纷出台了一系列政策促进学前教育事业科学发展。与此同时,社会也对幼儿教师严把入口关,其中一点就要求幼儿教师要具备一定的音乐素养和音乐教学的综合能力,这就对培养幼儿园一线教师的中职学前教育专业音乐教师提出