
来源 :中国植物病理学会2012年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gxlzx
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  甘薯褪绿矮化病毒(Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus,SPCSV)和甘薯羽状斑驳病毒(Sweet potato feathery mottle virus,SPFMV)协生共侵染甘薯可引起甘薯病毒病害(Sweet potato virus diseases,SPVD).感染SPVD的甘薯表现植株矮化,叶片褪绿、畸形等症状.SPVD对甘薯产量影响极大,严重时可造成90%以上的产量损失,甚至绝收,是甘薯上的毁灭性病害.目前我国的主要甘薯产区均已发现SPVD.
苹果树腐烂病(Valsa ceratosperma)可造成果树主干及整树死亡,甚至毁园。自1916年腐烂病在辽宁省南部地区发现以来,该病在我国已有过几次大流行,造成了严重的经济损失。由于对于苹果树腐烂病菌的侵染、致病过程与机理尚不清楚,制约了对该病害发生、流行规律的深入了解,导致病害防治工作低效、盲目和被动,腐烂病的为害近年来仍在逐年加重。随着生物技术和分子生物学的不断发展,利用分子标记如绿色荧光
欧美杨新型溃疡病是近年欧美杨上新发生的溃疡病.2005年5月,该病害是在河南省濮阳市清丰县6年生107杨树上首次被发现,其症状是发病初期流出大量酸臭的汁液,随后树皮开裂、韧皮部局部坏死、坏死处组织肿胀的症状,病斑长可达1 ~2m.目前,该病害已经在我国河南北部、山东西部大面积局部发生和危害,天津市也有分布.
Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis Westend f.sp.Tritici, is one of the most devastating diseases worldwide and also an important disease in China.The wheat translocation line H9014-121-5-5-9
Spontaneous variants of Beet black scorch virus (BBSV) and its satellite RNA were generated from cDNA clones by serial propagation in Chenopodium amaranticolor and Nicotiana benthamiana.Inoculation wi
A new carlavirus, tentatively named Potato virus H (PVH), was found to infect potato plants collected from Hohhot of Inner Mongolia for the first time, and was confirmed by further genome sequencing,
This work describes the incidence and distribution of the most important potato viruses which causes a limiting factor for sustainable production of potato in China since 2009.During this period, Pota
Viroids are the smallest known plant pathogens and can infect many plants.Coleus blumei, which was originally found in Indonesia, is an ornamental plant grown worldwide, and both its stem and leaf are
淡水真菌(freshwater fungi)是指在生活周期中全部或部分依赖于淡水的真菌,在淡水生态环境中有机物质的循环、淡水净化、淡水生物食物链平衡及次生代谢产物利用等方面具有重要意义。本研究选择山东省半岛地区、沂蒙山区和黄河三角洲等区域,共采集淡水真菌标本800余份,采用传统的形态特征鉴定方法,共鉴定出淡水真菌51种,其中格孢腔菌目26种,炭角菌目5种,粪壳菌目3种,分离纯化菌株28种,发现中国
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), a member of the genus Closterovirus within the family Closteroviridae, is the causal agent of citrus tristeza disease.Previous studies revealed that the negative selection
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV), the most devastating viral pathogen in citrus, causes tremendous economic losses to citrus industry worldwide.CTV isolates exhibit variable pathogenicities on their hosts