Association between enzyme activity levels in Eucalyptus clones and their susceptibility to attack b

来源 :第十届中国林业青年学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:idoie
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  The activity levels of five defensive enzymes (peroxidase,POD; polyphenol oxidase,PPO; superoxide dismutase,SOD; L-phenylalanine ammo-nialyase,PAL; and catalase,CAT) were assessed in shoots of four commercial Eucalyptus clones (DH201-2,DH32-29,U6,GL9) at ages of 13,29 and 38 months.Levels were also assessed in healthy and damaged shoots of clone DH201-2 at 15 months,shortly after it was severely attacked by the shoot gall wasp Leptocybe invasa.Foliar levels of these five enzymes did not show any significant increases with age.The level of CAT was found to be significantly higher at ages 29 and 38 months in clone GL9,a clone relatively resistant to L.invasa,than in the three other clones whilst clone DH201-2,one relatively susceptible to L.invasa,had non-significantly lower levels than the other clones at all three ages examined.The levels of the other three enzymes showed no obvious differences between clones and overall activity levels of the five enzymes did not show any clear association with the qualitative ranking of the clones’ susceptibilities to L.invasa.In 15 month old trees of clone DH201-2 marked increases in the levels of CAT,SOD and PPO were observed in shoots attacked by L.invasa compared to shoots from healthy trees of the same age,whilst levels of PAL and POD decreased compared to those in shoots from the healthy trees.
林木生长竞争势可视化表达是进行林分生长可视化模拟的重要基础,本文拟通过研究林木生长竞争势模型实现林分总体生长量向林木个体生长量分配的方法,进行林分生长可视化模拟.以湖南省攸县黄丰桥林场杉木林分2008年至2011年每木检尺调查结果为数据源,开展对开阔比数模型fO,简单竞争因子模型fH和竞争压力指数模型fCSI 的研究,提出一个新的林木综合竞争因子即竞争势模型fC=1/(fO+fH+fCSI),计算
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