Western environment/lifestyle has increased global genome methylation and decreased global gene expr

来源 :中国环境科学学会环境医学与健康分会2014年会暨环境与健康国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benson55
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  Introduction Several human diseases and conditions,including asthma and allergy,are disproportionally distributed in the world with a significant “Western-developed” vs.“Eastern-developing” gradient.No studies have investigated the molecular framework underlying the differences in asthma and allergy prevalence.Aim We aim to investigate the global influence of Western environments/lifestyles on genome-wide methylation in Chinese immigrants.Methods We compared genome-wide DNA methylation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in 25 newly arrived Chinese immigrants living in a Western environment for less than 6 months(“Newly arrived”)with 23 Chinese immigrants living in the Western environment for more than two years(“Long-term”)using the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip.In a sub-group of both subject groups(n=12 each)we also investigated genome-wide gene expression using a Human HT-12 v4 expression beadChip.Results The group average methylation levels of each CpG sites in “Newly arrived” and “Long-term” groups were computed.The percentage of the number of CpG sites with a group mean methylation level in “Long-term” greater than “Newly arrived” was significantly higher than 50%.There were 62.5%probes among the total number of 382,250 valid CpG sites with greater mean Beta(β)in “Long-term” than in “Newly arrived”.In the gene island and promoter areas there were significantly lower percentages of CpG sites where the mean methylation levels in “Long-term” were greater than “Newly arrived” compared to CpG sites in all other gene regions.The global increase of methylation was associated with a general decrease of gene expression in Chinese immigrants living in the Western environment for a longer period of time.Conclusion Chinese immigrants living in Australia for a longer period of time have increased global genome methylation and decreased global gene expression compared with newly arrived immigrants.Our results indicate a global influence of the Western environment on the genome and the relationship of these effects on diseases,including asthma and allergy,requires further study.
目的 观察不同梗死部位的急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死患者心率、血压变化,经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术中再灌注心律失常发生特点,探讨自主神经在急性心肌梗死再灌注心律失常的发生作用及其机制.
目的 通过对一组诊断为心肌起源的频发性加速性室性自主心律(Frequent Accelerated Idioventricular Rhythm,FAIVR)病人临床及随访资料的分析,从而描述此类心律失常的临床特征、诊断、治疗方法以及其对患者预后的影响并且探讨其可能的电生理机制.
患者,女,42 岁,因系统性硬化症12年,反复心悸、黑朦3年,加重1个月,患者12年前无明显诱因出现双手遇冷后变白,相继出现变紫,变红,有疼痛感,伴双手肿胀,双侧关节肿痛,劳累后加重,就诊于外院,诊断为"系统性硬化症",近10年开始出现双手皮肤变薄,变硬,手指发紧,双侧膝关节下蹲受限,双手屈曲挛缩,不能伸直,双手近端指间,关节出现溃疡,面纹消失,面容刻板,嘴唇变薄,内收,口周出现皱褶,张口度变小,
Aim This study aimed to elucidate the clinical features and long-term outcomes of thirteen patients with coronary vasospasm associated with sudden cardiac arrest(SCA).Methods Between November 2000 and
Aims This study aims to investigate if the frequency spectral components reflect the drivers of the paroxysmal atrial fibrillation Methods Two simple signals were constructed and integrated to one(fig
目的 起源于心房前间隔局灶性房性心动过速(房速)目前文献报道较少,本文探讨上述部位起源房速心电生理特征及经射频导管消融特点.方法 入选47例患者,男9例,女38例,平均年龄56.3±11.6岁(30-78岁),心房刺激诱发房速后,分析体表心电图P波特点,并于前间隔各个部位逐点进行激动标测和射频消融治疗.
目的 总结肺动脉瓣上起源室性早搏的心电图特点及射频消融经验.方法 5例连续接受射频导管消融治疗的肺动脉瓣上室性早搏患者,其中女4例,男1例,年龄39~52岁.所有患者经胸片、心脏彩超、冠状动脉CT造影检查排除器质性心脏病.术中经电生理检查及右室流出道造影证实室性早搏起源于肺动脉瓣上.
目的 研究左房周脂肪厚度对房颤RFCA术后复发的影响.方法 入选2009年-2010年在我院接受行环肺静脉隔离术的149例房颤患者.通过患者术前肺静脉CT、二维超声测量左房前后径.收集入选者的性别、年龄、BMI、房颤病史,有无并发病.CT扫描图像处理后进行三维重建.
目的 探讨射频消融术对早搏负担大、症状明显及传统抗心律失常药治疗无效的房性早搏患者临床疗效及生活质量的影响.方法 从手术安全性、SF-36量表评分、症状及相关辅助检查结果等方面全面评估房性早搏患者射频消融术后的临床疗效及生活质量的改善情况.
目的 探讨右室心尖部起搏拖带时冠状窦局部室房(VA)间期与心动过速时室房间期差值是否能够鉴别房室结折返性心动过速及房室折返性心动过速.方法 纳入168例无预激图形并可行右室心尖部拖带的室上性心动过速患者,于心动过速诱发后及右室心尖部拖带时观察10极冠状窦电极VA间期,寻找拖带时及心动过速时VA间期最短者,进行差值计算(DVA).