Decreased ExecutⅣe Control Network functional connectⅣity in patients with End-Stage Renal Disease:

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fatcat120
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  Purpose: To determine whether functional connectivity of Executive Control Network (ECN) separated by Independent Component Analysis can be used to detect and monitor the executive dysfunction in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients. Materials and methods: Forty-three patients (51.6 ± 8.5 years old) with ESRD, including 21 (53.0 ± 9.1 years old) with executive function decrease (EFD) and 22 (50.3 ± 8.0 years old) with non-EFD, as well as 25 age-, sex- and education- matched healthy controls (HCs) (53.0 ± 10.5 years old) were recruited. All the subjects who were without a history of neurologic or psychiatric disease underwent a resting-state functional MR imaging at 3T and a set of neuropsychological tests. Among the ESRD patients, 20 patients (48.8 ± 8.3 years old) with ESRD experienced a same process after about one year follow-up. Group Independent Component Analysis was used to separate the ECN. To compare the functional connectivity in the ECN, the intensity values in the spatial map were converted to z scores. Maps of the ECN were compared between each group using ANOVA and t test, and person correlation analysis was implemented to correlate the abnormal functional connectivity in the ECN and neuropsychological tests scores. Results: Functional connectivity in ECN of the ESRD patients were significantly reduced in mid-cingulate cortex (MCC), bilateral inferior parietal cortex (IPC) and superior temporal gyrus (p < 0.05 AlphaSim corrected) compared to HCs. The functional connectivity were decreased in MCC and right IPC further in EFD patients. Besides, functional connectivity of the mid-cingulate was positively correlated with DST (r = 0.449, p = 0.003) and DSST (r = 0.417, p = 0.007) scores, but negatively correlate with TMT-B (r = -0.510, p = 0.001) scores, and the left IPC were negatively correlate with TMT-A scores (r = -0.428, p = 0.005), indicating that the impairment of the ECN in patients was associated with reduced performance of these patients on neuropsychological tests. ECN of the 20 follow-up ESRD patients did not show significant changes and corresponded with the results of neuropsychological tests. Conclusion: Functional connectivity in the ECN is aberrant in patients with ESRD and correlated to the neuropsychological tests results which maybe as a clinical biomarker to evaluate and monitor the executive functional state in the future.
目 的探讨晚期类风湿关节炎(RA)中青年患者行同期双侧髋关节置换术(THA)假体选择及临床疗效.方 法 对2008年1月至2014年12月采用同期双侧髋关节置换治疗的晚期RA中青年患者22例(44髋)进行回顾性分析.男8例,女14例,年龄21-48岁,平均38.5岁.RA病程平均12.5年,12例24髋采用Synergy假体(Smith&Nephew,USA),10例20髋采用Tri-Lock骨保
目的 探讨儿童钙化上皮瘤的MSCT表现及鉴别诊断,以提高对此病的认识. 方法 回顾性分析经手术病理证实的58例钙化上皮瘤儿童患者的CT资料,所有病例均行CT平扫及增强扫描. 结果 发病年龄1月~16岁,女性稍多于男性,以头面部最多见,头面部常见于额颞枕顶部头皮下、眼睑、眉弓、颌面部,腮腺区及耳垂,其次颈部、胸背部、上臂及下肢亦可见.钙化上皮瘤形态多样,常单发,也可多发.可分为钙化型及无钙化型.钙化
目的:通过回顾性分析纵隔神经内分泌癌的CT表现,提高对此病的认识和诊断准确性. 资料与方法:回顾性分析经手术或B超/CT引导下穿刺病理证实的7例纵隔神经内分泌癌的CT表现.6例中男5例,女2例,年龄最小19岁,其余6例50~65岁,均未见类癌综合征,实验室检查神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)均升高. 结果:6例中肿瘤位于前纵隔5例,前中纵隔1例,中纵隔1例.1例肿瘤呈类椭圆形,6例形态不规则,1例呈
目的 回顾性分析急性胰腺炎伴脾脏密度减低的影像数据,从而研究其发生机制. 方法 收集2015-2016年急性胰腺炎伴脾脏密度一过性减低的患者19例,脂肪肝患者31例,这50例患者均采用GE宝石CT进行CT检查,获得影像数据并测量其CT值,在5个不同的位置测量CT值并取平均值.其中5例急性胰腺炎伴脾脏密度减低的患者进行CT能谱成像扫描检查,获得能谱影像数据,利用该数据通过能谱分析平台得到能谱曲线.在
目的 探讨低剂量螺旋CT扫描(LDCT)对肺内磨玻璃小结节的诊断价值. 方法 收集2014年1月-2016年4月体检筛查肺部磨玻璃小结节(直径小于2cm)病员218例,其中低剂量扫描筛查组136例,普通剂量筛查组82例,分析其影像学特征,并与相关临床检查对照(手术及病理),并比较两种方法的辐射剂量. 结果 不同筛查方法的检出率无差异(P>0.05);螺旋CT低剂量扫描的辐射剂量显著低于常规剂量扫描
目的 分析累及面神经管肿瘤所致周围性面瘫的影像学表现,探讨影像学在累及面神经管肿瘤所致周围性面瘫中的应用价值。 方法 回顾分析经手术、病理证实的累及面神经管肿瘤所致周围性面瘫的影像学表现,重点观察骨质破坏部位及面神经管的受累情况。 结果 累及面神经管肿瘤所致周围性面瘫病例有面神经鞘瘤、面神经纤维瘤、面神经血管瘤、外耳道鳞癌、外耳道横纹肌肉瘤、腮腺腺样囊性癌、颅底横纹肌肉瘤、颈静脉孔区神经鞘瘤、内淋
目的 回顾性分析乳腺纤维腺病局部纤维腺瘤形成与单纯纤维腺瘤MRI检出病变动态增强(DCE)特点、时间-信号强度曲线(TIC)类型、弥散加权成像(DWI)信号及ADC值,对比研究不同腺体背景发生乳腺纤维腺瘤影像表现有无差异. 方法 回顾性分析本院2014年1月至2016年5月期间经手术病理证实乳腺纤维腺病局部腺瘤形成17例患者和单纯纤维腺瘤17例患者,全部于术前1周内行Simens Skyra 3.
目的:讨论血管介入使用的普通弹簧圈在肺部微小结节或磨玻璃影外科手术前定位中的安全性和有效性. 方法:2015年3月至2016年4月,于我院诊断肺小结节或磨玻璃影患者15例,病灶18处.外科手术前(包括胸腔镜及开胸手术)CT引导下行弹簧圈定位. 结果:18处病灶均成功留置弹簧圈(100%),包括实性结节7处、非纯磨玻 璃影2处、纯磨玻璃影9处;直径5~20 mm,平均7.33 mm.出现并发症6例,
目的:孤立桥脑梗死可分为旁正中梗死(paramedian pontine infarction,PPI)及桥脑深部小梗死(small deep pontine infarction, SDPI)两种.一般认为PPI与粥样硬化有关,而SDPI的机制存在争议,可能与穿支动脉玻璃样变有关,也可能与粥样硬化相关.本研究的目的是探讨SDPI与粥样硬化的关系. 方法:连续入组桥脑急性梗死患者并分为PPI(梗死