Integrative impacts of soil tillage on crop yield, N use efficiency and greenhouse gas emission in c

来源 :第十四届全国玉米栽培学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfz508
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  Corn (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum.aestivum L.) are the most important food crops,accounting for 36% and 26% of the total grain production in the world, respectively (FAO, 2013).China is one of the largest countries of corn and wheat production and carbon emission, and corn-wheat cropping system is a dominant cropping system particularly in North China Plain.In order to further enhance crop yields and NUE, great efforts have been made on agronomic innovations such as soil tillage in this region.Although some field observations have been implemented about tillage impacts on crop yields and GHGs emissions, the integrative effects of tillage were not clear on crop yields, NUE and GHGs emissions.Thus,a two-year field experiment was carried out in a typical corn-wheat cropping system with four tillage regimes during wheat season, including no-tillage (NT), rotary tillage (RT), sub-soiling tillage (ST) and sub-soiling with rotary tillage (SRT).No-tillage was conducted for all treatments during corn season.Over the two years, the highest yields of corn, wheat and annual were found in the SRT plot, while the lowest annual yield was found in the NT plot averagely.Two-year average annual yield in the SRT was 21789.16kg hal, which was 4.53, 6.12 and 7.33% higher than those in the ST, RT and NT plots, respectively.SRT also stimulated plant N uptake with a higher N harvest index and greater NFP than those under the other tillage practices (P<0.05).Although SRT stimulated N2O emission in wheat season, it significantly reduced the emission in corn season compared to the NT (P<0.05).Thus, no significant differences in total GHGS emissions, area-scaled and yield-scaled were found among the tillage practices.Our results indicate that sub-soiling with rotary tillage might benefit crop production for high yield and N use efficiency with less GHGS emissions for wheat-corn cropping system in North China Plain.
Understanding maize (Zea mays L.) growth, development, and production under plastic film mulching is useful to improve crop management strategies and increase grain yield in areas with limited water a
采用大田试验种植,在河南省漯河市农业科学院遮阴棚内试验,供试土壤为砂浆黑土,基础肥力为:有机质12.7gkg,水解氮为45.3mg/kg,速效磷为19.17 mg/kg,速效钾为140.87 mg/kg。本研究利用花期耐阴性鉴定来研究选择什么指标来鉴定自交系的耐阴性,为玉米自交系耐阴性筛选提供可靠的鉴定指标。结果表明花期判断自交系耐阴性的主要指标是雌雄间隔、吐丝天数。玉米自交系几大类群耐阴性的划分