Discovery of new marine natural products by cross-talk of hydrothermal vent fungal-bacterial communi

来源 :多彩菌物 美丽中国——中国菌物学会2019年学术年会论文摘要 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lhasrq
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We developed a co-culturing device that allows culturing of multispecies microbial strains that are physically separated but can exchange dissolved or colloidal chemical signals and then performed a metabolomics survey of the secondary metabolisms of both a fungal-bacterial community and an actinomycetic-actinomycetic community using a metabolomic approach integrating LC-MS analysis, conventional statistical tools and molecular networking. LC-MS measurements revealed a pronounced influence of the chemical communication on the metabolic profiles of synthetic communities with a group of molecules being newly-induced or upregulated in co-cultures. More specifically, a class of unusual diphenyl ethers with polyhydroxy sidechains including a novel antibiotic was discovered to be induced by chemical communication in the community composed of Cladosporium sp. WUH1 and Bacillus subtilis CMCC(B) 63501. Further investigation on the fungal-bacterial cross-talk inferred that the production of these diphenyl ethers might be a defensive response against the growth inhibition resulting from surfactins, a class of antifungal cyclopeptides, secreted by B. subtilis.We conducted a MS-based metabolomics survey to investigate the effect of chemical communication on the secondary metabolism of a fungal-bacterial community comprising Penicillium citrinum Y34 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa CMCC(B)10104. Analysis of the molecular map generated by MS molecular networking techniques revealed new citrinin-related metabolites secreted by Penicillium citrinum while the production of these molecules was limited for further structural elucidation in the stationary co-cultures. Hence, a new co-culture device with external mechanical forces was then developed to accelerate the exchange of chemical information andmultivariate data analysis combined with molecular mapping prioritized two cross-talk-induced citrinin analogues which were positively-correlated with the exchange rate in the new co-cultures. MS-guided isolation resulted in the characterization of the previously undescribed antibiotic citrinolide. This highly-oxidized citrinin adduct representing a novel skeleton showed significantly enhanced antibiotic property against the partner strain P.aeruginosa than its precursor citrinin, suggesting a role in the microbial competition during the cross-talk.
目的:探讨护士主导的多学科协作(Multi-disciplinary Team,MDT)模式的干预方案在脑卒中经鼻胃管肠内营养患者腹泻、营养状况、神经功能、日常生活活动能力、次要并发症发生率、住院时间及住院费用中的应用效果,以期为临床应用和推广护士主导的MDT模式提供一定的参考。方法:1.本研究通过文献分析、半结构化访谈、专家会议法及预试验等方法,制定护士主导的MDT模式的干预方案,并验证其有效性
目的 构建脑卒中机械取栓术后增压分级定量运动模式,并利用临床对照研究方式确定其实践效果。方法 选择2019年1月—2021年12月本院收治的机械取栓术患者88例作为研究对象,分为对照组及观察组两组,每组各44例。对照组采用常规护理,观察组在循证医学指导下构建术后增压分级定量踝泵运动模式,两组患者均干预7天,比较两组患者舒适度、神经功能缺损程度、术后凝血功能指标、腿围周径.、股静脉血流的速度,术后深