Municipal solid waste landfill:a potential underestimated source of pharmaceuticals and personal car

来源 :NCEC2019第十届全国环境化学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanxueguan55
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  Landfill serves as one of the principal practices for the final disposal of most municipal solid waste(MSW),including unwanted or out-of-date household pharmaceutical and personal care products(PPCPs).
A novel three-dimensional electro-fenton air-cathode(3D-EF-AC)for microbial fuel cell was presented to degradate acid orange Ⅱ(AOⅡ)which is a persistent organic pollutant.
随着传统全氟辛基磺酸和羧酸(PFOS、PFOA)等被限制使用,新型全氟/多氟化合物(PFASs)的生产使用正在快速增长。目前对于我国新型PFASs 的研究工作多集中于东部和沿海地区,而对于经济和工业发展较为落后的中西部地区关注较少。
Wastewater contains many chemical markers that reflect a populations consumption and exposure to chemicals.
The contamination of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances(PFASs)in the Bohai Sea and its surrounding rivers have attracted extensive attention in recent years.
酚类物质广泛用作有机合成材料,也用于不同的行业,如炼油,农药,涂料,制药等.此外,这些有机物是高度水溶性的(苯酚,8.28 g/100mL;甲酚,2.15-2.60 g/100mL).因此,它们在工业废水中普遍存在,并且在没有适当处理的情况下一旦排出就可以在水生环境中持续增高浓度.
Halogenated flame retardants(HFRs),including polybrominated diphenyl ethers(PBDEs),alternative brominated flame retardants(aBFRs)and dechlorane plus(DPs)were investigated in the rivers around Bohai Se
有机磷酸酯(OPs)是广泛使用的阻燃剂和增塑剂,随着其产量用量逐年攀升,环境介质中OPs 污染水平也日益加重[1]。目前,环境中OPs 分布赋存及毒理研究引发众多关注。环境中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布一直广受关注;而部分取代多环芳烃(SPAHs)毒性远大于母体PAHs,具有直接的致突变性[2],针对PAHs 的环境风险评估不能忽略SPAHs 毒性效应。