Energy use in the steel industry & CO2 data collection

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z09tt
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  Steel is at the core of a green economy,in which economic growth and environmental responsibility work hand in hand.Over 1.5 billion tons of steel are manufactured and used every year and it will continually grow as population grows and develops in the following decades.The main issue for steel producers is profitability of the industry and to meet the stringent emission limit to air,water and soil ( CO2,NOx,Dust,etc.) and the energy intensity in the process of making and shaping steel products.Thanks to continuous improvement of steelmaking processes,it takes 50% less energy to make a tonne of steel than it did thirty five years ago.Using less energy means producing fewer greenhouse gases.World Steel Association provides a forum for steel producers and regional steel related associations to cooperate and exchange best practices and technologies through working on a number of projects,such as : ● Safety and Health ● Energy use in the steel industry ● Air quality project ( Dust PM10-2.5,NO.x,Mercury) ● Maintenance and Reliability ● Water management ● Yield ● By-Products With a focus on efficiency,locating and sharing the best practices within the industry,worldsteel is providing an essential role to improve the industries performance both in profitability and corporate governance as well as global regulatory bodies,and it provides forums for the steel industry for safety & health,environment and technical discussions.The World Steel Association ( worldsteel) is one of the largest and most dynamic industry associations in the world.worldsteel represents approximately 170 steel producers ( including 16 of the worlds 20 largest steel companies),national and regional steel industry associations,and steel research institutes.worldsteel members represent around 85% of world steel production.
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