An association ring signature for block chain e-money transactions

来源 :第十二届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pigdun
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  Block chain is widely used in the financial field for its characteristics of centralization,anonymity and trust.Electronic money payment is an important application hotspot.Ring signature is widely used in strong anonymous authentication such as electronic cash and electronic voting because of its unconditional anonymity,spontaneity and flexible group structure.Among them,the correlation ring signature can prove whether two signatures are issued by the same person without revealing the identity of the real signer.Therefore,the signature right can be avoided under the premise of guaranteeing anonymity,such as repeated voting,electronic money repetition cost and so on.Most of the existing correlation ring signature security is based on the discrete loga-rithm problem,and most of the schemes result in the degradation of anonymity because of strong association.These methods do not apply to the block chain electronic currency transaction scene with strong anonymity.Therefore,this paper proposes a cor-relation ring signature method based on the problem of large integer factorization.This method has strong anonymity and can be applied to block chain scenes.Moreover,it is proved that under the random oracle model the adaptive selection message and the non forgery under the chosen public key attack.
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