β3-adrenergic-cAMP signaling regulated miRNAs in mouse and human brown adipocytes

来源 :西部新生儿论坛暨中国儿童早期健康发展论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan_wongxc
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  Background: The enhanced brown adipose tissue (BAT) activity and "browning" of white adipose tissue (WAT) can promote the expenditure of excess stored energy,and reduce prevalence of obesity and associated metabolic diseases.Cold is known as a potent stimulator of BAT,activating BAT primarily through the β3-adrenergic-cAMP signaling,miRNAs have been regarded as molecular regulators involved in metabolically activated mouse BAT,however,few studies focus on miRNA expression in human brown adipocytes.The aims of this study were to set up a cold-stimulated mouse BAT miRNA profile and compare differential miRNAs in mouse and human brown adipocytes in vitro upon β3-adrenergic-cAMP signaling stimulation,further increasing our understanding on human BAT function and providing potential molecular therapeutic targets to increase excess energy and treat obesity.
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目的 β-casein 38是我们前期在早产儿母乳中筛选出的一条差异表达的多肽,生物信息学分析其来源于酪蛋白,属于抗菌肽。本研究进一步探讨β-casein 38对新生儿感染常见致病菌的抗菌作用和机制。方法 选取新生儿感染常见的5种致病菌和1种益生菌:大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌,李斯特菌,肺炎克雷伯菌和乳酸杆菌,合成β-casein 38,采用倍比稀释法通过抑菌曲线筛选出敏感细菌;
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目的 评价延迟脐带结扎(delayed cord clamping,DCC)及脐带血挤入法(Umbilical cord milking UCM)对胎龄<32周,出生体重小于1800g早产儿的影响.方法 1、对自然分娩的胎龄<32周,出生体重<1800g的早产儿进行随机分组,实验组进行脐带延迟结扎(DCC:胎儿娩出后45s结扎脐带),对照组选择早期脐带结扎(early cord clamping,