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在日本,炼铁所需要的能源约占钢铁厂总能耗的50%,其中大部分用作高炉燃料。石油危机后,由于使用煤作燃料比重油便宜,因而提高了燃料比,高炉便起了能量发生源的作用。高炉产生的废能源中:高炉煤气(简称BFG)的显热和压力能大约占30%,炉渣显热约占22%。此外,还有热风炉废气显热和炉体冷却水显热等。 1.炉顶煤气余压及显热的回收为了增加高炉的生产能力,提高还原性气体的利用率,采用高压操作是必不可少的。日本大型高炉炉顶的标准压力是2.5公斤/厘米~2。由于煤气发生量大,这部分能量是很大的。以前对这部分余压只是通过闸板阀减 In Japan, the energy required for ironmaking accounts for about 50% of the steel plant’s total energy consumption, most of which is used as blast furnace fuel. After the oil crisis, the use of coal as a fuel cheaper than heavy oil, thus increasing the fuel ratio, the blast furnace has played a role as an energy source. Blast furnace waste energy generated: blast furnace gas (referred to as BFG) sensible heat and pressure can account for about 30% of the slab sensible heat accounts for about 22%. In addition, there is hot stove exhaust gas sensible heat and furnace cooling water sensible heat. 1. Top gas pressure and sensible heat recovery In order to increase the blast furnace capacity and improve the utilization of reducing gas, the use of high-pressure operation is essential. The standard pressure of a large Japanese blast furnace top is 2.5 kg / cm ~ 2. Due to the large amount of gas, this part of the energy is very large. Before this part of the pressure is only reduced by the gate valve
春茶是一年中质量最好,最受消费者欢迎的季节茶.要想春茶增产提质,必须采用如下新技术.1 推迟轻剪 常规的茶树冠面轻修剪均选择在冬季的12月至翌年2月进行.大量实践表明,按
安钢5×300高炉从1995年9月开始喷煤,1997年喷煤比达到78Kg/t,为进一步提高喷煤量和降低生产铁成本,在对原喷吹系统进行改造和完善基础上,选择了的合适的煤种, 原燃料质量进一步