Construction of a Specific MFC-based Biosensor for Copper by Employing Shewanella piezotolerans WP3

来源 :第二十次全国环境微生物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yu19910108
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  Environmental pollution by heavy metals is a serious problem around the world.However,Traditional electrochemical devices are expensive,inaccurate,or cumbersome for practical applications.MFC based biosensor has shown a potential as an effective and economical method for determining the quantity of hazardous metals.In this study,we designed an engineering ShewanellapiezotoleransWP3 and applied it in MFC based biosensor for specific copper detection.Bacteria have been demonstrated that can utilize negative regulator system to sense the variation of intracellular heavy metals concentration and control structure gene expression to maintain homeostasis.CopA promotor and its repressor expressing geneCueRwere selected and fused into PSW4 to regulate downstreamribB expression,which encoded for the riboflavin biosynthetic enzyme 3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone-4-phosphatesynthase.Expressive discrepancy of riboflavin under control of divergent copper concentration,as an electron shutter,can be reflected into the voltage variation in MFC.
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厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBR)是一种由厌氧生物处理单元与膜分离单元相结合的组合工艺,具有污泥持留量大、污染物去除性能优、出水水质稳定等特点.本文以AnMBR为研究平台,高COD浓度与色度的竹制品废水为处理对象,研究竹炭投加AnMBR工艺性能强化以及出水组成与膜菌群特性.结果 表明,投加竹炭颗粒的B-AnMBR反应器污染物去除性能显著提升,COD、氨氮去除率分别达94.5±2.9%、75.7±2.1
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Mineral resource is the important material basis of social development in China.Because of over-exploitation for long time,there are the problems of soil pollution and environment damage in mine area,