Wreck Removal Project ofHai Hong Da at Changjiang Estuary

来源 :2014中国国际潜水、救捞与海洋工程技术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WarmAir1982
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  Wreck removal of"Hai Hong Da" is a comprehensive salvage project including underwater oil pumping, sling penetrating, splitting the shipwrecks by chain saw, lifting of the overall engine section into barge, fore section cargo removal by grab bucket and so on.This is the first time for Shanghai Salvage Co., to lift the whole engine section to a barge from seabed.This article reveals the shipwreck salvage plan;troubles encountered and remedy method during rigging slings penetration from bottom of shipwreck and lifting the shipwreck engine section as a whole.It provides a good teaching material for similar projects.
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田七是在广西百色市栽培的五加科人参属植物三七[Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F.H.Chen],是一种名贵的中药材。为了探讨田七连作障碍与田七根际微生物之间的联系,本文以不同的田七根际土壤为实验材料,对株龄和连续种植年限不同的田七植株的根际土壤的细菌、真菌、放线菌数量变化及其酶活性、pH值等生理特征进行了比较研究。研究结果如下:1、随着田七植株株龄的增加,田七根际土壤细菌、真
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  Given the concerns over escalating costs of recent wreck removals that the industry is seeing, an insight into some of the factors contributing to these hig