Synthesis and Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of Dibenzodiazepine Derivatives

来源 :河南省化学会2018年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sttyuanchao
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  Synthesize a series of dibenzodiazepine derivatives by exploring the method for the construction of the skeleton of dibenzodiazepine compounds and introducing N-methylpiperazine.
用平衡法测定了三元扁桃酸氯化钠水体系在(298.15~338.15)K 温度范围内的标准大气压下的相互溶解度[1].根据测定的溶解度数据,建立了五种等温三元相图.每个三元相图包含一个共饱和点、两条边界线和三个结晶区.采用Wilson 模型和NRTL 模型[2]关联了三元扁桃酸氯化钠水体系的相互溶解度.
本文研究了复合金属催化剂的制备过程,以及利用复合金属催化剂催化臭氧化降解水中的α-苯乙胺的性能.活性炭是一种良好的载体,将主金属Co,副金属Mo,以CoO∶MoO3∶C=0.5∶0.1∶10(质量比)的比例用沉淀浸渍法负载在活性炭上,340 ℃煅烧,制备出复合金属催化剂.
The earlier a novel catalyst could be certified with high-efficiency in the feasible practice,the more possibilities and ways to put it into real industrial productions.
Butadiene is a very important petrochemical base material and monomer for syntheticpolymer materials.
TiO2-CdS composite material was successfully synthesized in-situ sulfidation using polystyrene(PS)as a template,tetrabutyl titanate as a titanium source,and cadmium acetate as a precursor,by sol-gel m
化肥是重要的农业生产资料,是粮食的“粮食”,在促进粮食和农业生产发展中起着不可替代的作用,我国是化肥生产和使用大国.到2015 年底,全国化肥产量高达7627 万吨,2016 年仍达7004.9 万吨,虽然累计下降4.8%,仍稳居世界第一化肥大国地位.
MoS2 is a very promising energy storage electrode material.However,the intrinsic multi-layer pure metal MoS2(M-MoS2)is rarely studied for supercapacitors.