早期资源发生上的差异对西江鲮Cirrhina moitorella 和鲴Xenocyprininae 种群共存的影响

来源 :中国水产学会渔业资源与环境分会2013年年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:svennis
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  The vast majority of theories on maintaining the diversity mechanism stem from research on plant communities.As for the species coexistence theory based on plant communities generalized to fish community,there are a lot of questions.Meanwhile,in the case where todays fishing pressure,as well as a variety of habitat environment have changed,research on coexist mechanism of fish populations has important practical significance for the protection and utilization of fishery resources.This study select two fishes of cyprinidae(Cirrhina moitorella and Xenocyprininae)with similar resource requirements as research objects.Analyzing the differences in the occurrence of their larvea resources from the fields of population structure of the species,regeneration capacity on the occurrence of larvea resources.Explaining the coexistence mechanism of the two species combined catched data.Clarify the difference of the occurence of lervea resources on the two populations coexistence under the same predator and trapping pressure.Finding a breakthrough to elaborate fish community diversity maintenance mechanism and provide a theoretical basis for the protection of fishery resources.
临床上将成熟女性每月定期的少量阴道流血叫月经,也有人称之为“好朋友”。但,月经外的不 Clinically, a small number of women who have regular monthly menstrual flow
摘要:现代教育,既要教书,又要育人;而育人离不开贯穿始终的情感教育。語文是一门工具学科、思想性、文学性、知识性相统一的学科。它极具思想性,具有强烈情感内涵。因此在小学语文教学中, 教师在知识传授和能力培养同时,注重挖掘课文中蕴涵的情感因素,渗透思想教育、促进中小学生情感建立和初步形成。那么如何在语文阅读教学中进行有效的情感教育呢?  关键词:情感教育;情境;内容;评价  一、充分挖掘教材中的情感因
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