
来源 :2015全国沉积学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcchencj
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  塔里木盆地中下寒武统已经成为非常重要的勘探领域,但依然面临诸多瓶颈技术问题,其中,储层类型、成因和分布不清依然是制约区带和目标评价的瓶颈之一。围绕塔里木盆地中下寒武统区带和目标评价面临的储层问题,基于钻遇中、下寒武统17 口井(牙哈5、牙哈10、牙哈7X-1、星火1、英买7、英买36、英探1、同1、方1、和4、和6、巴探5、康2、玛北1、中深1、中深5、塔参1)的岩心、薄片和单井资料,开展了微区多参数、储层模拟等大量的实验分析工作,对中下寒武统盐间和盐下白云岩储层类型、特征和成因开展了研究,分析了规模储层分布,取得4 个方面的认识,为区带和目标评价提供了依据。
It is well known that Southeast Asia is a hotspot for extraordinary marine biodiversity.Understanding the biogeographic distributions of marine species is helpful for us to interpret currentpatterns o
随着全球气候变化及海岸带人类活动的愈加频繁,河口及近岸海域水体环境及化学组成结构正逐渐发生着改变.大型的海藻为适应这些变化一定会在分子水平产生各种变化,进而在生理和形态上表现出来.浒苔是常见的大型赤潮藻类,研究不同水环境下浒苔的生长状态,对有效预测浒苔爆发及浒苔的应用都有重大意义.本研究通过使用Clark 液相氧电极测量藻类放氧速率的方法,在含Pb2+胁迫和不含重金属离子胁迫的条件下,分别探讨了不
Many recent models for retrieval of primary production in the sea from ocean-colour data aretemperature-based.But previous studies in low latitudes have shown that models that includephytoplankton com
To identify the Nipponacmealimpets along the coast of China,their taxonomy was investigated withthree molecular markers (one mitochondrial gene,COI;two nuclear markers,28S rDNA and H3).Three species (
Climatic and paleoceanographic changes have been identified as important drivers for calcareousphytoplankton assemblage fluctuations on the coast of the NortheastPacific and North Atlantic.However,the
Form I rubisco is present only in the plastid of fucoxanthindinoflagellates owning the unique poly-Utail in mature mRNA (UT) compared to Form II.When degraded the rbcL I is poly-A tailed (AT).It istho
Noctiluca scintillans is a cosmopolitan red tide forming heterotrophic dinoflagellate which can feed avariety of algal food.In this study,we examined the effects of diet nutritional quality on its ing
The juveniles of thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus were exposed to three pH levels (7.3,7.7,8.1) attwo temperatures (25℃,30℃).At the same time,mussels were also exposed to such six treatments(3 pH ×
The East China Sea is characterized by wide continental shelf and huge terrigenous matter input fromboth large rivers and small mountainous rivers,which makes it an ideal natural laboratory for thestu
The cause of massive blooms of Ethmodiscus rex laminated diatom mats(LDMs) in the eastern Philippine Sea(EPS) during theLast Glacial Maximμm(LGM) remains uncertain.