Metaphors in Mara and Dann An Adventure

来源 :第五届文体学国际研讨会暨第九届全国文体学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kar123
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  Mara and Dann: An Adventure is a representative work of British female novelist Doris Lessing, who won the Nobel Prize in 2007, and it was introduced into China at the same year.In this novel which has been regarded as one of her few works with strong features of scientific fiction, she revealed the theme of story with provocative and stimulating notion of the future human world and the merits and demerits of modem technology.With the description of the future African country in a thousand years, Lessing warns people that they should stop fighting endless arguments about the abstract concept and change to show concern about the basic requirements for the people which include environment, food, shelters, freedom and relationship between people.This study tends to analyze the language features of the novel with combination of cognitive metaphor.The analysis will focus on three questions: 1.What metaphors did Doris Lessing use to depict the disasters of environmental problems facing the human world? 2.How did Lessing portray the future world which might be destroyed by the "advanced modem technology "? To investigate the answer to the first question, the study finds that the author applies a large number of metaphors to refer to the destructive changes of environment which would decrease the living standard and quality of life, and if the situation continues in an unstoppable way, the human world might be destroyed one day.To find the answer to the second question, the study finds that Lessing illustrates vividly her points with very interesting and insightful images.With full application of metaphorical devices, she modifies the world with her long female experience, with "skepticism, fire and visionary power" and she "has subjected a divided civilization to scrutiny".
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展和进步,钢结构得到广泛应用,对于钢结构梁柱节点连接的关注度也在逐渐提高。因此,本文基于嵌入式钢结构梁柱节点受力分析进行探讨,希望可以满足建筑用钢结构的实际需求。  【关键词】钢结构;梁柱;节点;受力  【DOI】10.12334/j.issn.1002-8536.2021.  10.112  在设计钢结构的过程中,对于梁柱连接节点的关注度较高,连接节点设计的安全性对于钢结
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