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<正> 破伤风是由破伤风梭菌经伤口感染而引起的急性中毒性人畜共患传染病。其临床特征为肌肉呈持续性强直性痉挛和反射兴奋性增高。本病广泛分布于各地,是危害人类健康和畜牧
Aim: To explore the barriers faced by general practitioners (GPs) in the management of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). Methods: This was a qualitative
Aim: To observe the cytotoxic effect of the organophosphate insecticide malathion in the reproductive tissues of the earthworms, Eisenia foetida. Methods: Worms
Aim: To assess the spatial and temporal expression of germ cell nuclear factor (GCNF) in male mouse germ cells during postnatal development and in sperm before
t Aim: To investigate alterations of smooth muscle cells and collagen fibers in corpus cavernosum following cavernous neurectomy and its relation to the express
Oxidative stress is a common condition suffered by biological systems in aerobic conditions.Human semen also has its own molecular guard against the free radica
<正> Dear Sir,Our group from Pamukkale University Hospital wouldlike to present an observation on hemoptysis that was prob-ably associated with sildenafil usage
瞄准:为了调查灵活 ureteroscope 的原因和费用,并且开发建议限制损坏,损坏。方法:分析修理考虑的作者和 35 台仪器的损坏的可能的原因在一个 1 年的时期上去请修理到一个领先的
<正>Objective: To study the reproductive toxicity of cadmium chloride in male mice. Methods: Male mice of 4 weeks old were administered cadium chloride at doses