Monitoring of cell adhesion on ITO microelectrodes array using electric cell-substrate impedance sen

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhenx06
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  Cell adhesion is one of the essential factors for surviving and displaying their functions[1].Thus,monitoring of cell adhesion appears especially important.Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing (ECIS) developed by Giaever and Keese is a favored label-free,noninvasive and real-time technology for the monitoring and analysis of cell behaviors[2].Compared with the common microelectrodes made of noble metals for ECIS,indium tin oxide (ITO) microelectrodes can realize the real-time observation of cell morphology,due to their both transparent and conductive properties[3].In this work,ITO microelectrodes array is developed with photolithography for the monitoring of SHSY-5Y cell adhesion using ECIS.It has 3×3 micropores with 50 μm in diameter and 100 μm in period.SH-SY5Y cells with two seeding densities were cultured on ITO microelectrodes array and the impedance signals were collected every 0.5 h after cell seeding.The results indicate clearly that cells in different stages of adhesion have different impedance responses.In general,the impedance values increase,because more and more electrode surface is covered by cells.The seeding density could not influence the variation trend,but could result in the different variation rate.Moreover,due to the transparency of ITO microelectrodes array,cell morphology could be observed simultaneously,and a good correlation is found between changes in cell morphology and impedance values.This work is helpful for the establishing of correlations between electrical and biological characteristics of cells,which will accelerate undoubtedly the development of tissue engineering,implantology and regenerative medicine.
摘要:初中思想品德课的课堂提问,是常见和重要的教学手段之一,教师在教学过程中,能否懂得提问的技巧,将很大程度上决定着老师的教和学生的学的效果,本文将从以下几个方面来浅谈初中思想品德课课堂提问的技巧:有目的性地提出问题;有层次地提出问题;来比较法来提问;发现学生的兴趣点来设问;联系社会热点话题来提问;提问要有针对性;学生自主提问、互问互答。  关键词:思想品德;课堂提问;有目的;有层次;比較法;学生
  Is biology a quantitative science like physics? I will discuss the role of precision measurement in both physics and biology,and argue that in fact both fie
摘要:在西藏,尤其是农牧区学校教师在实施小学创新教育的途径、方式、方法等方面一定要重视科学手段。农牧区实施创新教育是目前十分紧迫的问题,创新是人才的本质内涵,培养创新性人才更是新21世纪赋予我们教育者的神圣使命。  关键词:藏区学生;小学语文;创新教育;研究性学习;主体地位  在西藏,尤其是农牧区学校教师在实施小学创新教育的途径、方式、方法等方面一定要重视科学、技巧的手段。当今社会是一个充满竞争与