Influence of Type of Explant, Salt Composition of Basal Medium and Cytokininson Micropropagation of

来源 :第三届国际石榴及地中海气候小水果学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcn009
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  A study was carried out for micropropagation of pomegranate (Punica granatum Khadouri).Explants;shoot tips and single nodes from mature trees were surface sterilized and cultured on full strength Murashige & Skoog (MS) and Woody Plant Medium (WPM) supplemented with Benzyl adenine (BA) at 4.5μM.
The cultivation of pomegranate [Punica granatum (L.)] was introduced quite early in the Mediterranean and eastern countries like India.India ranks first in area (1,07,000 ha) with a production of 7,43
There are a number of approaches to replace, at least partially, chemical plant protection in pomegranates so-as to conform to recent legislation and the markets demand.
This paper reviews the current situation of the pomegranate industry in Spain, one of the most important producers and exporters of this fruit in the Mediterranean Basin.Introduced into Spain by the P
Pomegranate was cultivated over a wide area in Iran.Aphis punicae (Hem.: Aphididae) is an insect pest in some pomegranate orchards early season for about a month.
Fig fruits (Ficus carica) were stored under refrigerated controlled atmosphere conditions (CAC) with the following treatments CAC1 (CO2, 20%;N2, 80% and O2, 0.0%);CAC2 tray (CO2, 80%;N2, 20% and 02, 0
Clarified pomegranate juice of cv.Bhagwa was concentrated by various heating methods.The final juice concentration of 650Brix was achieved in 37, 78 and 106 min by using atmospheric heating, microwave
The pomegranate is an ancient fruit, which has been around for more than 3000 years! However, in spite of its long history, it remained for many years a relative minor crop with limited marketablity.
Presently, the acreage of pomegranates in California, USA, exceeds 33,000 acres (13,350 hectares).A major concern for pomegranate growers is a disease called black heart, characterized by the rotting
The history of pomegranates in Israel began thousands of years ago.Israel was one of the first countries to which the species spread from its genetic origins in the vicinity of todays Iran.
Iran is the first producer and exporter of Pomegranate in the world.The losses of pomegranate in our country because of Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller is too much.