Effects on Antioxidant Enzyme Activities and Osmolytes in Halocnemum strobilaceum Under Salt Stress

来源 :中国植物生理与分子生物学学会第十一次会员代表大会暨全国学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xboaty
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  The seedlings of Halocnermum strobilaceum have been cultivated in 0.5%hoagland nutrient solution containing 0%,0.9%,2.7%and 5.4%of NaCl as well as complex salt(Si+ K+,Ca2+)for 20 days.Succulent level,inorganic ions Na+、K+,organic ion betaine,proline,MDA,and antioxidant enzyme activities including superoxide dismutase(SOD),catalase(CAT),? peroxidase(POD)were measured to reveal its salt tolerance mechanism.
白刺属(Nitraria L.)是蔡黎科(Zygophyllaceae)的古老小属,是分布广泛的旱生、盐生及荒漠植物,其自然抗逆性突出,是干旱盐碱地带植物群落的建群种.白刺具有耐沙埋的特性,它们积聚流沙和枯枝落叶而固定的沙丘被人们称之为白刺包,白刺包固定的沙丘和其它沙生植物相比是最牢固有效的.
硫是生命活动的必需元素之一,主要以-2 和+6 价存在于不同的含硫化合物中.硫酸盐是植物的主要吸收形式,其进入胞内后经ATP 硫酸化酶(ATPS)的催化形成腺苷5-磷酰硫酸(APS).
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