Development of novel method for extraction of Microcystins in water samples with electrospun nanofib

来源 :3rd Asian Conference on Environmental Mutagens & 15th Co | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bobosiji123
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  We have developed a novel extraction procedure based on PS nanofibers which were fabricated by electrospinning.By using the PS nanofibers, trace level of microcystin-RR and microcystin-LR were successfully extracted in environmental water samples.The microcystins were then detected by a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a photo diode alley detector (DAD) system.Parameters of influencing the extraction efficiency, such as amount of nanofibers, eluted solvent and volume, pH, and breakthrough volume of water samples were determined.Under the optimized conditions, a linear response for microcystin-RR and microcystin-LR over the range of 0.25-4 μg L1 was achieved with a r2 value of 0.998 and 0.997, respectively.The precision of the method was examined with relative standard deviations corresponding to 0.25, 1, or 4 μg L-1, and results were found to be less than 6% for both of microcystin-RR and microcystin-LR.Extraction recovery (absolute recovery) of microcystin-RR and microcystin-LR was found to be almost 100% at the above-mentioned three concentrations.For the concentrations between 0.05 and 0.25 μg L-1, the microcystins could also be detected by SPE joined with nitrogen gas.The proposed method was subsequently applied to studying water samples from lake and tap.All the results showed that PS nanofibers, as a adsorbent material has great potential for the enrichment of microcystins in the water samples with satisfactory recovery and repeatability.Due to its simplicity, selectivity and sensitivity, the method may be applied to quantitatively analyse the concentrations of other compounds in the environment.
连普通呼吸都有可能打乱了发丝的排列,更别说每根头发都要选择、清洗。张德碹的技艺要求心静、心细、心无旁骛,不是一般人能够忍受得了的。  “我女儿在国外留学,以后我们故去,她也很久才能回一次家,我们愿意用这种便捷的方式让她把我们‘带’在身边,不要忘了父辈的艰辛。”前些日子,一对老两口找到成都老人张德瑄,他们接受了他新近提出的环保殡葬观点:用头发编织人像,让带着基因千年不朽的头发取代传统墓葬。    老