Molecular characterization of a novel 14-3-3 protein gene (Hb1 4-3-3c) from Hevea brasiliensis

来源 :中国热带作物学会2012年理事年会暨学术论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jhffgh
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The cDNA encoding a 14-3-3 protein, designated as Hb14-3-3c, was isolated from Hevea brasiliensis. Hb14-3-3c was 1269 bp long containing a 795 bp open reading frame encoding a putative protein of 264 amino acids, flanked by a 146 bp 5UTR and a 328 bp 3UTR. The predicted molecular mass of Hb14-3-3c is 29.67 kDa, with a isoelectric point of 4.52 and the deduced protein showed high similarity to the 14-3-3 protein from other plant species. Expression analysis revealed more significant accumulation of Hb14-3-3c transcripts in latex than in leaves, buds and flowers. The transcription of Hb14-3-3c in latex was induced by jasmonate and ethephon. Overproduction of recombinant Hb14-3-3c protein gave the Escherichia coli cells more tolerance on Co2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. Through yeast two-hybrid screening, 11 interaction partners of the Hb14-3-3c, which are involved in rubber biosynthesis, stress-related responses, defence etc, were identified in rubber tree latex. Taking these data together, it is proposed that the Hb14-3-3c may participate in regulation of rubber biosynthesis. Thus, the results of this study provide novel insights into the 14-3-3 signaling related to rubber biosynthesis, stress-related responses in rubber tree.
为明确不同生长时期猪粪厌氧消化产沼气潜力及特性,试验以不同生长时期的新鲜粪便为发酵原料.在(37 ±1)℃条件下进行了批式厌氧消化试验,研究了各粪便厌氧消化的产气速率、
针对北方寒冷地区气候特点,分析沼气工程运行过程中的热损失因素,包括罐体不同部位的散热、进出料过 程热交换损失、加温循环管的散热等.研究沼气锅炉、太阳能、发电机组余热
利用可再生能源如太阳或土壤源热泵给沼气工程加温的优势已经被沼气产业界所共识.但是,在山区、寒冷 地区和高湿度地区,太阳或土壤源热泵的应用都受到限制,难以保障沼气池加
氨氮抑制问题是阻碍厌氧消化顺利进行的重要症结,氨氮浓度过高会影响微生物活性、抑制甲烷菌生长.本 文从反应器类型、消化温度、微生物种群和外源添加剂四个方面总结归纳了