The effect on spinal cord blood supply after simultaneous thoracic and abdominal endovascular aortic

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smxxtsm
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  Objective To discuss the effect on spinal cord blood supply after simultaneous thoracic and abdominal endovascular aortic repair for lesions involving both descending and abdominal aorta.Methods A retrospective analysis of the lesion February 2009 to-January 2013 the center hospitalized involving the thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta in patients, a total of 18 cases (male 17 cases, female 1 cases, average age (61.13±≥7.25), in which aortic combined with abdominal aneurysm in 10cases, PAU combine abdominal aneurysm in 5 cases,PAU in aortic and abdominal aorta in 2 cases and AD combine abdominal aneurysm in 1 case.The open bilateral side of femoral artery puncture, completion of endovascular repair of aortic stent, which according to disease (1 stent or implantation of 2 covered stent, overlapping),and one-stent-graft separating-stent-graft for abdominal aorta disease.Results 1 cases of spinal cord injury (5.6%), the nutrition of the dewatering machine nerve recovery after treatment, the average follow-up of 3-24 months, all patients no stent leakage and stent displacement complications.Conclusion The curative effect is satisfied that the treatment for lesion involve the descend aorta and abdominal aorta.Although avoiding the paraplegia completely is impossible, its application will be more and more widely, it is worthy of clinical application.
目的 综述肺静脉闭塞病的诊治进展材料与方法 以肺静脉闭塞病及肺动脉高压为自由词,搜索近3年国内外文献进行综述.结果 1.肺静脉闭塞病是一种罕见病,多数病因不明,迄今国外报道不足200例,国内不足10例.2.肺静脉闭塞病临床表现无特异性,活动性呼吸困难进行性加重是其主要表现,其它尚有咳嗽、咯血、胸痛、乏力、嗜睡、晕厥、猝死等,晚期可出现右心衰竭的症状和体征.3.胸部高分辨CT主要特征是小叶中心型毛玻
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