Development of Hyaluronan as a CD44-targeted Drug Transporter and Novel Excipient for Chemotherapeut

来源 :BITs 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress-2012(2012第五届世界癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaojunchao2003
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  Despite advances in chemotherapeutic regimens, the treatment of metastatic cancer remains a challenge.A key problem with chemotherapy drugs is nonspecific drug distribution, resulting in low tumour concentrations and systemic toxicity.The holy grail of clinical cancer research has been to establish more specific ways of directing therapeutics to tumours,whether through more targeted anti-cancer agents or via the method of delivery.Many tumour cells show up-regulated expression of receptors for the polysaccharide hyaluronan (HA), resulting in HA having a high affinity for tumours.The primary tumour-related HA receptor is CD44 which is activated and over-expressed on greater than 95% of solid cancers.These observations have led to the clinical development of HA-derivatised cytotoxic drugs that use HA as the tumour recognition moiety.The drug delivery platform utilizes the large volumetric domain of HA to entrain small chemotherapeutic drugs and therapeutic within the 3-dimensional milieu.After intravenous administration the resultant HA/drug formulation accumulates in the microvascular of the tumour, forming a microembolism that increases drug retention at the tumour site and allows for rapid intracellular uptake of the drug complex via the activated CD44.Clinical development of three anti-cancer drugs has been undertaken and has demonstrated that such formulations are safe and efficacious.This presentation follows the pre-clinical and clinical development of this technology where mechanisms associated with;i) the mode of molecular interaction between HA and the chemotherapeutic drugs, ii)ability of HA to act as a targeted transport vehicle for anti-cancer agents, iii) effect of HA on the therapeutic index of chemotherapeutic drugs iv) the clinical safety and efficacy of these HA-based anti-cancer agents and vi) the regulatory approach which has enabled an accelerated development pathway are discussed.
近来有读者来信来电咨询有关白萝卜和胡萝卜能否一起吃的问题。就此问题我们采访了相关专家,希望能给广大读者一个满意的答复。  萝卜是我们生活中一道极其常见的家常蔬菜,无论是生吃还是熟食,都是不错的选择。明代著名医学家李时珍就对萝卜极力推崇,主张每餐必食,他在《本草纲目》中提到:萝卜能“大下气、消谷和中、去邪热气”。传统医学认为,萝卜味甘性平,有健脾消食化滞、清热解毒、顺肠通便、降脂降压、防癌抗炎等功效