Promoter Methylation as Biomarkers for Prostate Cancer Detection and Prognostic Prediction

来源 :BIT Life Sciences' 1st Annual World Cancer Congess-2008( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangzhao322
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  The mechanisms underlying the etiologic origins of prostate cancer (PCa) disease remain poorly defined.Epigenetic tagging of genes, including DNA methylation and histone modification, that controls the function of the genome at different levels has been strongly suggested to be involved in onset of diseases such as cancer including PCa.It can be hypothesized that epigenetic biomarkers/factors are on the direct pathways from the initiation to the occurrence of clinical diseases such as PCa and can be potential targets for new therapeutic approaches of PCa treatments.
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也许我有理由错过以往,但是我将不再以任何理由错过未来。 Maybe I have reason to miss past, but I will not miss the future for any reason.