渗透压控制型氧化苦参碱Eudragit(R)RS 30 D包衣缓释微丸的研究

来源 :第一届生物颗粒制备技术与产业化应用技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bowangmosong1
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  Purpose: To develop an osmotically-driven pellet coated with polymeric film for sustained release of oxymatrine (OMT),a freely water soluble drug.Methods: Pellet containing OMT and sodium chloride (NaCl),an osmotically active agent,were prepared by extrusion/ spheronization and then coated with acrylic copolymers (Eudragit(R) RS 30 D) by the fluidized bed coating process.In vitro release and swelling behavior studies were employed to optimize and to evaluate the sustained-release behavior from the osmotically-driven pellets with film coated.Finally,in vivo evaluation in rabbits was employed to investigate the sustained plasma level of OMT and its active metabolite matrine.Results: It was found that the F3 formulation,prepared with 20% NaCl and an 8% coating level,showed a continuous NaCl-induced water influx into the pellets providing a gradual sustained release of OMT for over 12 h.Finally,we confirmed that oral OMT with sustained release led to a gradual sustained plasma profile of both OMT,with a reduction in its bioavailability,and MT with an increase in the bioavailability compared with that of oral OMT with immediate release.Conclusions: The pharmaceutical parameters obtained suggested the potential usefulness of oral OMT with sustained release for the treatment of stress ulcers,as well as reducing the risk of MT-induced side effects.
目的 研究分析面部外伤应用急诊美容缝合术与普通急诊清创缝合术治疗的效果.方法 以2019年1月~2020年1月期间泰州市中医院收治的62例面部外伤患者为研究对象,随机分为A组和B组
你的身体状况 1.骨质流失加重。1/2女性和1/8男性在50岁之后可能发生骨质疏松性骨折。 2.女性绝经期来临。若健康状况不好,会出现情绪波动、身体冷热失调、阴道干燥、体重增
目的 分析血脂检验在糖尿病患者中的应用效果.方法 本研究选取200例2型糖尿病患者纳入观察组,病例收集时间为2019年2月~2020年2月,同时将同期200例健康体检者纳入对照组,分别
奉新县城西南五十里,矗立着云峰秀拔的华林山。远在宋朝时,这里有过一所规模宏伟闻名全国的华林书院。 Fifty miles southwest of Fengxin County, stands Hualin Mountain