
来源 :第十届全国野生动物生态与资源保护学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoumi2008
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  叶猴类一般有较小的活动面积和相对固定的活动范围,群与群间保持一定的距离避免相互接触.典型的喀斯特环境中黑叶猴群间关系是研究得较少的方面.2013年1-12月,采用瞬时扫描法(Instantaneous Scan Sampling)和全事件取样法(All occurrence Sampling)对扶绥中华村哥利(地名)的5群黑叶猴的群间接触行为进行了研究.
Using PHA and colchicine in vivo injection and air drying production method,making renal cell chromosome specimen of Acheilognathus barbatulus,the chromosome number and karyotype.The results showed th
Reproductive performance is a vital economic index in the production of goat.In our study,we investigated the placental cotyledon traits,cotyledon structure and their relations with reproductive perfo
Understanding the effects of climate change on primate ranging patterns is crucial for conservation planning.Rhinopithecus roxellana is an endangered primate species distributed in mountainous forests
Allogrooming has been demonstrated playing important roles information and maintaining of social relationships in nonhuman primates.In this study,we examined the effects of several factors on allogroo
活动时间分配(activity budget)是指动物根据环境和自身需求从事各种基本行为和活动的过程,受季节性变化的食物和温度等生态因素的影响,并与动物的能量收支直接相关。灵长类动物可根据自身能量收支平衡,依据环境中食物资源和温度等生态因素的变化而采取相应的时间分配策略。
In nonhuman primates,the correlation between social rank and stress levels remains more controversial cross species,even in the same species.
In social non-human primates,the philopatric individuals form strong social bonds.Recent data suggested that adult individuals can indeed be highly social,even though they are unlikely to be related t
Limestone hills provide a unique and challenging habitat for primates.Information on the positional behaviors and habitat use of limestone primates can help elucidate relationships between species mor