来源 :第十三届世界湖泊大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuantxunda
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Tiaoxi River,as one of major river systems of Tai lake watershed,is suffering water quality degradation in recent years because of amount of excessive nutrients discharge from point and non-point pollution sources with the urban growth and agricultural activities,therefore,the local government expect a more scientific and efficient management to improve the water quality.This study presents an initial application of total maximum daily(l)oads(TMDL) process in Tiaoxi river to protecting its decreasing water quality through TMDL assessment in various critical conditions scenarios for main streams and tributaries based on numeric water quality standard.Annual TMDLs was estimated in four patterns of flow regimes in order to satisfying multi-objective requirements and then illustrated the seasonal variation of TMDL and selected the appropriate daily load expression for Tiaoxi river.The results indicate that velocity positive impacted the loading capacity,daily TMDL analysis may not be practical way for load allocation and pollution discharge elimination because of insufficient monitoring data and fund support,a non-daily TMDL with medium temporally variable daily load expression would be a better selection for TMDL development in Tiaoxi river.
南四湖是南水北调东线工程的重要调蓄湖泊和输水干线,预防和控制蓝藻水华是保障南四湖水质达到东线工程调水水质要求的关键环节。2008年6月至2009年6月在南四湖设置5个监测点,每月采样一次,对蓝藻种群构成及密度变化进行了为期一年的调查研究。结果表明:共检测出蓝藻10属19种,占藻类总种数的16.2%;各监测点蓝藻细胞密度范围为0~1120×104个/L,月均值为105.0×104 个/L;蓝藻种类数
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