The preparation of poly(n-butyl actrylate) latexes with high solid, large scale and narrow distribut

来源 :第十四届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengyq2000
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  Seed emulsion polymerization and agglomerating technology are usually used to prepare high solid content latexes with large particle scale.However,it is difficult to obtain narrow distribution and stable polymeric latexes with particle scale beyond 300nm via their methods.In this article,a new method to prepare narrow distribution latexes that solid content beyond 60wt%,particle scale greater than 600nm was proposed; moreover,the effect of recipe composition included: surfactant concentration,solid content and electrolyte concentration,on latex particle formation and growth method also be investigated.Experimental results show that the particle scale increased with the decrease in surfactant concentration,the increase in electrolyte concentration.The particle coagulation took place during the polymerization process,which could be demonstrated by the evolution of particle scale and number as a function of monomer conversion.In addition,the particle coagulation occurred if the ratio of the polymer particle surface covered(θ)by surfactant molecules between the critical particle surface covered ratio (θcri=0.59)and the lowermost surface covered ratio(θlow=0.38).
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InVO4 禁带宽度约为2.0 eV,具有良好的可见光响应特性,在太阳能利用、环境保护等领域具有重要的应用前景[1,2].然而,InVO4 光生载流子分离能力较差、光催化活性较低,限制了该材料的广泛应用.近年来,利用半导体异质复合,通过光生载流子在两种半导体间迁移实现电子、空穴有效分离,已成为高量子效率光催化材料设计的一种重要方法[3].鉴于InVO4 与TiO2 之间能带结构较为匹配,构建InV