A Novel CoN Electrocatalyst with Excellent Activity and Stability toward Oxygen Reduction

来源 :中国化学会第十七次全国电化学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yolanda0104
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Highly efficient electrocatalysts for the sluggish kinetics of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) play a crucial role in fuel cells (FCs) and metal-air batteries[1-3].Although platinum and its alloys[4-6] exhibit good electrochemical properties as ORR catalysts,but their high cost,scarcity supply,and limited durability severely precluded their applicability to broad commercialization.Hence,tremendous efforts to explore the alternative non-precious metal catalysts with comparable ORR activity and durability are highly desirable.
Various factors such as biological and environmental factors,harvest method as well as type and length of storage influence characteristics of agricultural products.This is particularly true for fruit
Mangoes are an important commercial crop in many tropical countries.The drying of mangoes is an ideal value-added opportunity for processors in many developing world nations,because the processing req
Antifungal activity and the chemical composition ofChenopodium ambrosioides L.essential oil (EO) are reported.EO was evaluated at 0.3,0.1 and 0.05% against Aspergillusflavus,A.glaucus,A.niger,A.ochrac
Pt/ MO2 催化剂对乙醇的电化学氧化性能直接关系到乙醇燃料电池的性能.应用循环伏安(CV) 法研究了不同Pt:M 比的Pt/MO2/MWCNTs(M= Sn、Ce)催化剂上乙醇在H2SO4 溶液中的电化学 氧化过程,CV 曲线观察到回扫的氧化峰中出现多个分峰,尝试利用CV 法、化学分析方法结合红外 光谱研究该体系中乙醇电化学氧化的多步反应机理.
目前,世界范围内存在两大难题:环境污染以及能源短缺.伴随着这两大问题的是巨额的经济 投入、不可再生资源的流失以及人民身体健康受到的严重威胁.燃料电池作为一种具有高能量密度、高稳定性、高安全性以及绿色环保性等优点的电池品种,在这样的背景下重新得到人们的重视[1].
石墨烯(Graphene)具有突出的导电、导热和力学性能以及理论上极高的比表面积(2600 m2/g)等独特的物理 化学性质而在燃料电池催化剂制备领域吸引了越来越广泛的关注[1].然而,结构完整的石墨烯化学稳定性高,其表 面呈惰性状态,且石墨烯片层间存在较强的范德华力,容易产生聚集,很难在水及常见的有机溶剂中均匀分散并稳 定存在,这给石墨烯基燃料电池催化剂的构建造成了极大的困难[2].
近几年来,直接甲酸燃料电池作为一种能量转换装置吸引了人们很多关注.但是,Pd基催化剂由于其表面氧化物或者吸附的CO的毒化在甲酸中的稳定性比较差.本研究工作 中,我们用CTAB、Na2PdCl4、醋酸镍三种溶液在30℃下混合,在60℃下用抗环血酸来还 原合成了一种枝状的Pd纳米粒子.
Recently there has been a growing worldwide trend to explore fuel cells,which are the promising power sources for supplying clean and efficient energy.In a fuel cell,the cathodic oxygen reduction reac