Whole genome resequencing provides insights into the genetic architecture of cattle (Bos taurus), ya

来源 :2015中国遗传学会大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:packey80
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  Domestic ruminants on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau reflect a combination of autochthonous populations and those that have been selected to improve production.For the regions dominant livestock species-the yak (Bos grunniens), a major feature of production development is the increasing use of cattle-yak hybrids, yet these hybrids and their genetic architecture have rarely been studied.
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病原驱动的平衡选择塑造了丰富的HLA等位基因。当病原谱发生改变时,群体的HLA可能也会发生相应的改变。约700年前一支蒙古族群体从中国北方迁入中国南方的云南地区。中国南北方有着不同的病原谱,因此本文拟研究迁入云南的蒙古群体其HLA发生了什么改变,并讨论这些改变发生的原因。用基于测序的分型方法(sequence-based typing method (SBT)),对中国南北方的两个蒙古群体及其它5
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Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) constitute a significant portion of genomes and play an important role in gene function and genome organization.The availability of a complete genome