The comparison of health status between male and female medical radiation workers in China

来源 :第十四届全国劳动卫生与职业病学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuchy2008
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  Objective: The aim of this study was to document the health status of medical radiation workers in China.Methods: A cross-sectional study of 530 medical radiation workers from 91 urban hospitals in Shandong Province of China.Results: The rate of ABP(abnormal blood pressure),and UA(uric acid)was significant different between male and female radiation workers(P<0.01),and ABP%in male medical physicians is higher(27.07%)than female(5.36%).For the male radiation workers,the proportion of MON(mononuclear cells)and AO(abnormal ophthalmology)in 20~group of EYS was higher than the other two groups(P<0.05); there was a significant decrease in the rate of ALT(alanine aminotransferase)in 0~and 20~among male radiation workers,and 10~group was at a higher proportion(P<0.01).However,in female radiation workers,the abnormal rate of LYM(lymphocytes)in 0~group was observed to be about 2-fold increase than 10~group(P<0.05); the index of STB(total bilirubin)was higher in 10~group(P<0.05).For the relationship of health status with type of work,ABP%of male radiation workers who was engaging in diagnostic radiology(2A),radiation therapy(2D)were higher than people in interventional radiology(2E)(P<0.01); the abnormal rate of UREA in 2D group of work type in male showed an obvious increase compared with 2A(P<0.05);CA%(chromosome aberrations)was dramatically higher in 20~group of female than 0~group(P<0.01).Conclusion The long-term low-dose radiation exposure can affect a number of health indicators in radiation workers.There is certain difference of the health status between male and female radiation workers,and the difference is associated with the types of jobs,and different EYS.
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