Treatment of intracranial aneurysms with flow redirection endoluminal device(FRED)systemexperience a

来源 :2016第十二届亚太介入放射学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbtoy
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  Objective: Flow diversion has emerged as an effective means for treatment of wide-neck aneurysms and previously treated aneurysms with residual neck.
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  目的 了解东莞市发达镇区双向转诊的运行状况与问题并提出合理的建议.方法 选取东莞市C镇医院以及社区卫生服务中心为调研地点,以问卷方式调查患者、医务人员以及医院管
  Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of freehand CT-guided brain biopsy and attain standard protocol for the procedure.
  Objectives: To determine if dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI(DCE-MRI)could correlate well with invasive angiography in the characterization of spinal tumor vas
  Optical CoherenceTomography(OCT)imaging technology is the optical coherence technique and laser scanning Tracing combined confocal technology of a new type
  Purpose: To assess the feasibility of using MicroFil polymer perfusion to detect concomitant saccular aneurysms in an intracranial arterial dolichoectasia(I