New ways of Catgut Embedding

来源 :第三届中医药现代化国际科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z_asdf
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  Acupuncture therapy though useful in many medical conditions is a time spending treatment.Patient compliance plays a major role in the success of any treatment.Standard Acupuncture treatment includes 20-30 sessions per month where patient has to take treatment for 15-20 days in a month.In the changing world it is difficult for people to make up time for such treatments.Thus a ill patient gets rid of the symptoms with Acupuncture and further follow-ups are avoided due to shortage of time.To improve the compliance and results catgut embedding technique has proven beneficial and convenient to the patients.The modem day surgical sutures are hypo allergic and when used with proper aseptic precautions is safe and effective.The concept is to put catgut in situ like we put needle in situ during an Acupuncture treatment.Small pieces of catgut are implanted at the selected points.The types of implanting catgut have been changed day by day after considering the limitations and benefits of various techniques.To implant catgut and tie a knot remained standard technique for many years.This technique looked crude, cosmetically less acceptable and with major chances of sepsis.The newly adopted techniques in the form of pinching and releasing, Double side puncture without pinching, Single side puncture, Dipping methods are safe, cosmetically perfect and with minimum chances of sepsis.These techniques along with 4-5 days of Acupuncture sessions in a course can give similar to more improved results than the conventional methods.
不知不觉已进入了古稀之年。从生理上说,本人背不驼,腹不隆,眼不花,行动自如,精神矍铄;从事业上来说,本人工作大都从事文秘工作,退休后参加了地方志的修订,参加了地方交通史的编辑,热衷于关心下一代工作委员会的工作,每年还在报刊杂志上发表“豆腐块”百余篇。因此,经常有人间我延缓衰老保健康的养生经,我总是乐呵呵地告诉他们七个字:四乐、四要、四不要。  四乐是要“知足常乐、自得其乐、助人为乐、宽容为乐”。我
据报道,印度农业科研人员把长碳链脂肪醇的混合物应用到茄子上,使茄子的产量提高了32~52%。他们在茄子移栽8周后,把 C_(24)~C_(34)的脂肪醇混合物配成4ppm 的溶液,在田间对茄