The impact of previous or concomitant myocardium revascularization on the outcomes of patients under

来源 :第三届北京大学重症医学论坛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong589
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The aim of this study was to analyze the results of major non-cardiac surgery in patients with severe coronary arterial disease who underwent concomitant vs. previous myocardial revascularization (MR) in terms of operative complications and hospital stay. Between June 1999 and October 2008, 37 patients with coronary arterial disease underwent neoplastic resection at our hospital. Fourteen patients with a curable left-main or multiple-vessel disease received surgical MR concomitantly, while 23 patients previously underwent surgical or transluminal MR. Univariate analysis determined the impact of the timing of MR on operative complications and hospital stay. The overall mortality and morbidity rates were 3% and 65%, respectively. Compared with simultaneous MR, neoplastic surgery with previous MR had shorter postoperative hospital stay. Occurrence of postoperative complications was influenced by surgical duration (P=0.014). Postoperative length of hospital stay was affected by the timing of revascularization (P=0.008) and surgical duration (P=0.007). Previous MR can shorten postoperative hospital length of stay for current major non-cardiac surgeries in patients with severe coronary artery disease (CAD). For patients with concomitant severe CAD and clinically rapidly progressive malignant neoplasm, simultaneous neoplastic resection and MR is associated with acceptable operative mortality.
目的:改进儿童脊柱半椎体所致侧后凸畸形手术治疗方法,观查其临床治疗效果。  方法:2011年10 月以来,治疗儿童脊柱半椎体所致侧后凸9例.男3例,女6例;年龄2~10岁,平均3.5岁;术前冠状而侧凸角25°~70°,平均39°,均轻度后凸角。术前行全脊柱正侧位、左右侧曲位X线片、矫形节段脊柱CT扫描、冠状面矢面三维重建、脊髓MRl检查,观察脊柱肋骨发育畸形改变、脊髓神经及其它器官有无异常。  结
目的:探讨多节段颈脊髓病前、后路手术治疗方法的选择。  方法:随访85例多节段颈脊髓病患者,其中采用前路分节段减压植骨融合内固定术治疗60例,后路椎板切除减压内固定术治疗25例,评估患者神经功能改善、颈椎生理曲度的恢复情况及术后并发症。  结论:对于多节段颈脊髓病,前后路手术都是直接有效的治疗方法,其中分节段减压植骨融合术是前路治疗多节段颈脊髓病的首选手术方法。合理地选于病例,制订科学的手术方案,
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