The competence construction of Chinese social enterprise in Social transformation

来源 :2013公共政策国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sizhezang1
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  Social entrepreneurship is a kind of newly developed concept of entrepreneurship, and it is a kind of activity aimed at pursuing social value and commercial value at the same time.Social entrepreneurship concept contains not only non-profit organization but also profit institutions which pay attention to social responsibility.What is more, it points out that individuals and institutions should use commercial knowledge to create more social values.China is now during social transformation, a lot of changes have taken place ranges from social structure, culture, and attitude towards values in whole society.It is a good time for social entrepreneurship, but there still remain some problems.How to have ability to compete with others in the current situation remains to be discussed carefully.By learning form relevant literature to get further understanding of social entrepreneurship and the characters of current society, this paper conclude that social enterprises should stability, strengthen social entrepreneurs responsibility, aim at target customers, make some creation and establish social network to make themselves competRive.
16开264页68.00元2012年1月出版T.J.克拉克(T.J.Clark,1943- ),以新马克思主义艺术史家闻名于当代美术界,早年就学于剑桥大学圣约翰学院,30岁在伦敦大学考陶尔德艺术研究院获
一、大连这个城市大连不但是东北顶好的海港,而且也是最富庶的一个海口城市。1931年何西亚的报告,就记载着下开数字: “大连市是南满铁路之起点,大连港亦为满铁会社所经营,
一、高营养保健“维益菜”是利于河北省棉花研究所培育的专用低酚棉新品种培育的芽菜。一般棉花不能做芽菜食用。 二、此项技术的市场如何?“维益菜”作为独特的蔬菜新品种,
1.选用良种 长江流域宜选用青皮豆、香珠豆、启东优系2号、襄阳大脚板等良种,播前晒种2~3天,可提高发芽率和发芽势。 2.轮作换茬 蚕豆不宜连作,最少要隔2~3年,与大小麦轮作效
  The construction of people's livelihood in rural areas not only needs to meet their basic requirements such as elders' care, medical care, and insurance and