WHO Health Risk Assessments on EMF

来源 :第四届亚洲风险评估与管理国际会议(EARAM2009) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w_wangjing
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  Recent years have seen an unprecedented increase in the number and diversity of sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) used for individual,industrial and commercial purposes.All these technologies have made our life richer and easier.All populations are now exposed to varying degrees of EMF,and the levels will continue to increase as technology advances.These technologies,however,have brought with them concerns about possible health risks associated with their use.Cancer,memory loss,changes in behavior,neurodegenerative disease including Parkinson and Alzheimers diseases,and many other detrimental health effects,including cardiovascular disorders and miscarriages have been suggested as resulting from exposure to EFM.Everyone in the world in now exposed to a complex mix of EMF frequencies.
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目的 探讨导乐分娩镇痛仪在足月初产妇中的应用和分娩结局的影响.方法 将240例足月初产妇按照镇痛方式的不同分为研究组135例和对照组105例.研究组采用导乐分娩镇痛仪进行镇