Gender-dependent characteristics of susceptibility to febrile seizures and PTZ induced seizures afte

来源 :第十四届中国神经精神药理学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zj888666
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  OBJECTIVE To investigate the susceptibilities to febrile seizures in immature rats and PTZ induced seizures in a dult rats with different gender.METHODS Prolonged seizures are evoked by exposing rat pups (P10-12) to a hyperthermic en vironment that raises body temperature.The latency, rectal tem perature and times of seizures were monitored.
  目的 研究合欢皮提取物是否具有镇静作用,利用DSI系统观察了有效剂量对清醒大鼠脑电活动的影响.方法 雄性SD大鼠3只,体重280 ~ 300 g,ip给予20%乌拉坦1 g·kg-1麻醉.无菌条
  目的 研究山楂叶中总黄酮的提取工艺,确立最佳提取条件.方法 采用紫外检测法,建立山楂叶中黄酮类成分含量的测定方法,用正交设计法对影响超声提取的因素如甲醇浓度、甲醇用
  目的 研究多沙唑嗪(rac-DOX)及单一光学异构体S-DOX和R-DOX静脉给药对苯肾上腺素升高麻醉兔颈总动脉血压和尿道压的影响,分析rac-DOX及其光学异构体对下尿路药理作用的立
  目的 研究3-大豆苷元磺酸钠对异丙肾上腺素所致大鼠心肌肥厚的保护作用及其对心肌组织抗氧化能力的影响。方法 背部sc异丙肾上腺素1 mg·kg-1,连续10 d,建立大鼠心肌肥厚
  OBJECTIVE To investigate whether there is a cu rial period for focal LFS inhibiting the development of amygdala kindling in rats.METHODS The effect of focal
  目的 建立测定小鼠脑组织中ATP,ADP及AMP含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)-可变波长检测法(VWD).方法 20只小鼠随机分成H0,H1,H3,H5组,分别进行重复低氧暴露0,1,3和5次,制备低氧
  OBJECTIVE The spatial and temporal alterations in expression and activity of reduction of glutamine synthetase (GS) and its role were investigated in epilep
  OBJECTIVE To investigate what effect does hista mine have on experimental febrile seizures (FS) under the knowledge that histamine exerts protective role in
  OBJECTIVE To investigate the susceptibility of PTZ and maximal electroshock(MES) in P360-380 d old rats that experienced prolonged FS when they were 10-12 d
  目的 拟用1Hz电流刺激海马下托,试图模拟间期自发放电,观察其是否抑制癫痫,从而寻找到不依赖于后放电时程的刺激靶点。方法和结果 观察不同时间点的海马下托LFS对大鼠杏仁核