A Review of Recent Advances in Identity Identification Technology Based on Biological Features

来源 :第六届中国计算机学会大数据学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xunitt1
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  With the development of social informatization technology,the problems of individual information security are becoming serious.Now-adays identity identification has been required essentially in government and business field.In this paper,we summarize and analyze the identifica-tion principles and identification methods based on biometrics,including the present researches fingerprint,palmprint,iris,human face,vein,gait and signature,and make comparative analysis of the differences of the error recognition rate,stability,acquisition difficulty and counterfeiting degree.Finally,the prospects of biometric recognition technologies are discussed additionally.
随着智能电视的普及,节目付费成为电视生产企业或视频内容企业最重要的利润来源之一.挖掘潜在付费用户,促使用户付费购买增值服务越来越成为企业亟待解决的问题.本文首先基于国内最大的电视厂家之一的海信公司日志数据的特点,提出了对日志信息扩展、特征衍生以及特征提取的解决方案.结合深度模型在高阶抽象特征学习上的优势以及线性模型在低阶特征学习上的优势,提出了Simplified Wide&Deep(SWD)模型
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