A meta-analysis of Metronidazole for Clostrdium difficile-associated diarrhea in adults

来源 :2014年中国药学大会暨第十四届中国药师周 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:movax
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  The aim of this meta-analysis was to investigate the efficacy of metronidazole for treatment of Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD).A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and cohort studies identified in Pubmed,Embase and the Cohrane Library was performed.Five RCTsand two cohort studies involving 1012 patients were included.Compared with therapy with antibiotic monotherapy regimens for CDAD patients,metronidazole was associated with similar clinical treatment success of vancomycinfor mild CDAD patients(odds ratio,OR=0.59,95% CI = 0.27 to 1.26,P=0.17),but metronidazole was inferior to vancomycin for severe CDAD patients(OR=0.17,95% CI = 0.04 to 0.66,P=0.01).Metronidazole was as clinically effective as fusidic acid(OR=2.08 95% CI=0.74 to 5.82,P=0.16).No statisticaldifferences in relapse rate were found between metronidazole and active comparators as a whole(OR=1.06,95% CI=0.75 to 1.51,P=0.73),metronidazole and vancomycin(OR=1.02,95% CI=0.65 to 1.62,P=0.82),metronidazole and fusidic acid (OR=0.77,95% CI=0.38 to 1.55,P=0.43).Regarding all-cause mortality and drug related adverse effects(AEs),no differenceswere found between metronidazole and vancomycin(mortality,OR=1.54,95% CI = 0.62 to 3.82,P=0.35),metronidazole and fusidic acid (AEs,OR=0.69,95% CI = 0.09 to 5.11,P=0.72).In conclusion,patients tolerated all the drugs equally well andrelapse rates were similar.The datasuggest that metronidazole may be used as effectively as fusidic acid,and as vancomycin for mild CDAD patients,but is inferior to vancomycinfor severe CDAD patients.Oral metronidazole is still widely used.
目的 探索肝癌肝移植术后复发转移的影像学检查方法 。方法 对18 例接受肝脏移植的肝癌患者,术后定期行肝脏B 超及CT、胸部X-Ray、全身骨扫描(ECT)检查,并对上述各种影像学检查方法 对复发转移的诊断价值进行评价。结果 12 例患者术后出现肝内复发和(或)肝外转移,其中肝内复发7 例,肺转移5 例,骨转移3 例,脑、肾转移各1 例。全部复发转移病灶均被B超、CT、X-Ray 或ECT 及时诊
目的:对比分析SPAIR 技术、TIRM 技术在骶髂关节成像中的优缺点。方法选择AS 患者2O 例,采用Siemens Magnetom Verio 3T 磁共振成像系统,分别使用TIRM 技术和SPAIR 技术行双侧骶髂关节MRI 检查,对所获图像由2 名高年资MRI 诊断医师从图像的对比度、信噪比、均匀性、空间分辨力、压脂程度来进行对比和分析。结果 SPAIR 技术所获图像高于TIRM 技术所
目的 探讨儿童肢体MSCTA 检查的护理配合方法 。方法 应用64 排螺旋CT 行肢体血管成像检查患儿125 例,在125 例中,其中下肢血管成像94 例,上肢31 例。检查前了解患儿的情况,做好检查前患儿的准备工作,向家长及患儿介绍检查的必要性、注意事项、一般程序、安全性、扫描目的、大概时间及扫描环境、使患儿及家长对检查有初步认识、消除紧张情绪,以提高患儿的配合性。安置好患儿的体位,使其感到舒适