Seasonal Cycling of DMSP,DMS and DMSO off the Western Antarctic Peninsula

来源 :第二届SOLAS国际开放科学大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wfzhousd
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  The seasonal cycling of the climatically-active sulfur gas dimethylsulfide (DMS),its precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) as well as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) was quantified through the 2005-2006 spring-to-fall plankton succession in waters off the Western Antarctic Peninsula.The Southern Ocean is known for its large blooms of phytoplankton species with very different biogeochemical signatures in the case of organic carbon and sulfur water column cycling.Large peaks of DMS,DMSP and DMSO occurred simultaneously with,or were followed by,maxima in algal and bacterial biomass.The 2005-2006 spring-summer growth period in this region was characterized by significantly higher carbon biomass and productivity than previous years.We compare DMS and DMSP biological,photochemical,and sea-air losses during this period.
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2007年,诸文静被长沙民间环保组织授予湖南省环保五星人士。她博客的名字叫做杞人的心声,她说,其实很多时候想想,那个杞人的想法与我的想法不谋而合。    理想其实就是在某一时刻你想法的无限扩大    诸文静是地地道道的湖南妹子,1980年出生在株洲一个普通的家庭。父母都是当地工厂的工人。小学,初中,她学习努力,但始终成绩平平,不上不下。属于那种淹在人堆里就找不到的学生。  高中的时候,由于父亲的工